Andrew Cave

I recently saw Andrew Cave for the first time in his role as Anthony Hope in Upright Theatre Co.’s splendid production of Sweeney Todd. There was a sincerity and engaging quality to his performance that impressed me. Andrew is also blessed with a beautiful singing voice and that coupled with his youthful exuberance made his Anthony a standout. Although he is just starting his college years, Andrew is focused on a career in the performing arts. Take a few moments to learn about rising star Andrew Cave.

When was your first time on stage?

My first time on any stage was doing Christmas plays for the church I used to go to, but then I did an elementary school musical in 4th grade

When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

I grew up around the arts since I was born, my mom owns a dance studio so there was no hiding from it, and I just always felt connected to it and desired to act.

Who is your greatest mentor?

I have genuinely so many fantastic people who have trained and mentored me, but my biggest ones are Jackie Troupe Miller my old tap teacher, Kristal Seid and Beth Allen, who have helped my vocal and acting strength, and my mom Amy Cave, who has always found a way to find a new challenge for me.

 What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

It is hard for me to choose singular favorites, but a couple of my top roles have been the boy in Waiting for Godot because I got to take it to the Edinburgh Fringe Arts Festival, Charlie Brown in You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown because I loved that show, and the ensemble for High School Musical since I got to be on the Casa Mañana Stage

Do you have a dream role?

I always wanted to play a character like Harold Hill ever since I heard the librarian song.

What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

I think getting to grace a stage the same time as Patti LuPone would top a bucket list.

 What performances have you seen that impressed you?

The SpongeBob Musical and The Play That Goes Wrong both had such intricate tech going into it that blew me out the water because I didn’t know what to expect

 What are your career goals?

While most actors in my generation can agree that Broadway is great, we’re learning that the goal is reliability rather than a high peak. I hope for my career to be a standard in whatever city I live

 What would people be surprised to learn about you?

While I tend to want to be lighthearted for people, I’ve had a few friends in my life be surprised when I can be genuine and serious.


Andre’ Pernell Williams


Arianna Reed