Andre’ Pernell Williams

If you’ve seen Andre’ Williams perform, you know what stage magic is all about. Andre’ is an outstanding singer and dancer who has brought his talents to many DFW stages. Most recently Andre’ was seen in Lyric Stage’s Little Shop of Horrors where he made a small supporting role both fun and memorable. Andre’ has his sights set on becoming a full-time performer and he has all the talent to make that dream a reality. Take a few moments to read about Andre’s journey in the performing arts and how this young rising star became interested in theater.

When was your first time on stage?

My first time on stage that I can remember was in the 4th or 5th grade. I played a disco wise man clad in denim jeans, red turtleneck, LED glasses and an afro wig. I believe it was for a Christmas play my elementary school was doing.

 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

 I was always a performer at heart but never considered theatre a career. I was in high school, and my former theater teacher Feleceia Wilson suggested I audition for this community theatre “Family Music Theatre” and their production of In the Heights. I auditioned , booked it , and fell in love with it and how it touches hearts and makes people think. I felt so much joy and connection to myself that I had not had prior. When we closed that show , I knew it was something I NEEDED to do.

 Who is your greatest mentor?

I’d have to say my father is my biggest mentor. He’s one of the most levelheaded, calculated and determined men I know. He has taught me far more than he probably realizes. I strive to have his patience and drive in all aspects of my life.

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

- I would say my favorite role has been “Sweeney Todd”. It was the most challenging role but also the most fulfilling. I was able to utilize everything I had been learning at school and that felt very fulfilling.

 Do you have a dream role?

I would love to play “Robert “in Company. I’ve been obsessed with that show since I found it Netflix when it was streaming.

 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

I would love to perform with Ephraim Sykes, Norm Lewis, Leslie Odom Jr., or Denzel Washington one day; that would be killer.

What performances have you seen that impressed you?

Recently I saw The Visit at Amphibian Stage featuring some current UTA students and alum. The performance was stunning. The story, the design and the people all were lovely.

What are your career goals?

I would love to do theatre and dance as my day job. I want to be a full-time performer. Someday it would be nice to teach dance as well but primarily I would like to be an actor and give back to people that have supported me all my life.

 What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 I paint and sculpt from time to time but I think they would be shocked to find out I used to be a Lab Technician for a Prosthetics and Orthotics Company.


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