Nijel Smith


Photography by Taylor Staniforth

Nijel Smith came to my attention in the recent excellent production of Jesus Christ Superstar at the WaterTower Theatre. Beyond his beautiful singing as the disciple Peter, Nijel brought an emotional depth to the character that I had not witnessed in other productions of the musical. He was totally immersed in the character and created sympathy for the denying disciple. It was obvious that Nijel has great skills and takes his craft seriously. Take a few moments to learn more about this talented, intelligent, and dedicated young performer. I think you will be impressed by Nijel and his thoughtful responses.


When was your first time on stage? 

I first performed in a  junior production of Alice in Wonderland in my hometown in Tennessee in the third grade. I auditioned with Michael Jackson’s “Man in The Mirror,” and I was the smoothest caterpillar you’ve ever seen being rolled out in my bean bag throne with my toy pipe that smoked bubbles. It was a small cameo part with a solo, but for me, it was the highlight of my summer and the role that started it all!


When did you know you wanted to be an actor? 

Much of high school for me was music driven with theater sprinkled in during the summer. My junior year of high school, I was offered to study one of the two for a month to get that “real college experience.” I chose theater since I never got to focus much on it, and that summer proved that theater/acting was where my passion was, allowing me to still scratch that music itch!  


Who is your greatest mentor? 

I get a great deal of my inspiration and guidance from my family. They are my biggest supporters, and have kept me surrounded in all things art since I was a toddler. Together, my mom and grandfather have both given me lessons and experiences beyond compare that have kept me hungry and humble, as well as willing to learn more!


What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far? 

Getting to take on Yonkers in Gypsy this past summer has been both my most fun and personal character to work with. I had already done some research and planning for the character, but to then work with Hamilton Resident Director Hannah Ryan on character work and family relationships sealed the deal. I got to work with some amazingly talented and hardworking professionals in Colorado this past summer, and they helped me when it comes to character development, career management, and even how to be the best rear end of a cow I can be!


Do you have a dream role?

I love an answer I heard recently, “It’s not written yet!” There are so many shows and characters that I would love to tackle, but there’s something about creating and originating a role that seems so creative and freeing. That being said, I became acquainted with the show Kimberly Akimbo, and would love the challenge of a David Lindsay-Abaire character! 


What person(s) would you like to be on stage with? 

There are so many great artists and individuals that I would love to take the stage with just to be able to share some magic: strong black leads like Jonathon Majors and John David Washington come to mind! Within the DFW area, I’ve come to admire the work of Zachary Willis and Oscar Seung and would love to work with either of them!


What performances have you seen that impressed you? 

The entirety of the experience contributes to my answer, but two TCU shows The Diviners (Thomas J Walsh) and Buried Child (Krista Scott)) have impressed and inspired me as an actor and student. The acting and atmosphere truly made it amazing theater, and to watch it in person was nothing short of a blessing!


What are your career goals?

Recently in my career, I’ve learned to simply be okay with growth. Whether that be a shift in my role within a show, a different opportunity for performance venue, or even a challenging show I feel would be best for me. I’m blessed to continue to work with artists that love to create, and to continue to perform, even stick my hand in tv/film would be more than I could ask for!


What would people be surprised to learn about you? 

I think my love for learning and experiences keeps me creatively active and fresh! I’ve added two languages to my tool belt (Spanish and Italian), I love video editing, and as of late, I’ve been the biggest College Football Fan, and I haven’t been afraid to show it!



Tara Park


Cameron Wisener