Kimberly Turner


I recently saw Kimberly Turner on stage for the first time in Theatre Arlington’s Cabaret. Kimberly has such irresistible magnetism on stage that I found that my eyes were constantly being drawn to her. She was in an ensemble role, but defined her character perfectly and did some terrific singing and dancing. It’s that indefinable quality, the “gift” that compels others to take notice, that makes Kimberly Turner a DFW star on the rise. Kimberly will soon be appearing as Nina in The Seagull at Theatre Three. Take a few moments to learn more about this talented, intelligent young woman who is just as irresistible offstage as on.

When was your first time on stage?

My first time on stage was in the 3rd grade; I played the Snow Queen in my elementary school’s Christmas classic, The Nutcracker. I’ll never forget my scene partner who played the Snow King! We were little munchkins in our blue and white royal fits, sitting on the throne. My inner child misses that sparkling wand and dress.

 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

In high school, I joined UIL Theatre and did a few shows! It was so much fun that it was a hobby at first until a particular moment convinced me to pursue it further. Before graduating high school, I went to see Lydia at The University of Texas at Arlington. I went to support my amazing friend, Javier, celebrating his college theatre debut. The story was so powerful, I was on the edge of my seat because I felt the cast’s passion which made me emotional. I realized that acting was more than just a hobby, it was my soul’s happy place. So, I changed my plans that night after seeing Lydia, followed my true passion, and applied for the UTA BFA Acting program. The rest is history, and I couldn’t be happier!

 Who is your greatest mentor?

I have so many amazing mentors who have given me a beautiful range of advice on building my craft as an artist. To my high school directors Maigan McPherson, Travis Fant, and Beccah Dowden who helped me create a foundation for my artistry, especially when I decided to pursue it further. To my UTA mentors Felicia Bertch, Megan Noble, Julienne Greer, Austin Eyer, Joe Chapa, and Vicky Nooe who continue to further my knowledge as an artist and fall more in love with discoveries within myself. Lastly, to my beautiful mother who is my rock and always believes in me.


 What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

I’m so grateful to have enjoyed every role I’ve done thus far. But my favorite roles recently would have to be Telephone Girl in Cabaret with Theatre Arlington and Ottilie in The Visit with Amphibian Stage. These stories both have a special place in my heart as they touch on real-world issues. I love these kinds of stories because it allows us to connect deeper with our audiences and it’s so beautiful.

 Do you have a dream role?

I love this question! I have to say, Nina in The Seagull and I’m proud to say it’s now a REALITY happening at Theatre Three running April 4th-28th! In addition, I would love to play Sidney Bruhl from Deathtrap one day! I was so fascinated seeing Blake Hackler’s performance as Sidney at Theatre Three, his power was so magnetic to watch. I think it would be so awesome to see Sidney from a woman’s perspective.

 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

I would love to be on stage and movie with the one and only Mrs. Viola Davis! Hands down she is MOTHER when it comes to my craft. Blake Hackler is another I would love to work with! He is so much fun and loves to play which is my favorite quality as an actor. Lastly, Felicia Bertch and Megan Noble, are my heart so it would be rewarding to be on stage with them!

 What performances have you seen that impressed you?

During the run of Cabaret, it was a joy to see Debbie Brown perform “So What?” and “What Would You Do?” every night! She has a beautiful presence that is so powerful! I’m so blessed I had the opportunity to work with her and learn from her! Love you, Debbie:)


 What are your career goals?

I have so much passion for storytelling, that I want to do this full-time! I want to continue to strive in my artistry by adding more aspects of myself to expand my work in both theatre and film. I would love to do international productions/films one day and discover global art! Therefore, I want to be an astonishing performer, leaving a powerful impact on people’s lives one performance at a time!


 What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I love to play the game “Honey, I Love You” with my friends where we challenge each other’s poker faces. I have an impressive poker face to which if someone challenges me with the word “Honey”, I can hold in my giggles very well! I’m still learning other games like Poker, so once I achieve that with my poker face, I AM GOLDEN ha-ha! I’m also very good at making personal nicknames for my friends and my favorite ones would have to be Mini Marsh, Lingweny, Snickerdoodle, and Curly Megs! So just know if you ever connect with me in DFW, a nickname will be made for you!


Levi Skoog


Taylor D. Williams