Jacob Waters

The gold mine of talent that was RCT’s Titanic introduced me to the remarkable Jacob Waters. Jacob played both Third Officer Herbert Pitman and Steward Henry Etches. Jacob wowed me with his beautiful voice and his on-stage charisma. There is something reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart about Jacob. Like Stewart, Jacob has a likeability factor that endears him to an audience, charm to spare, and the quiet seductiveness of a classic leading man. Off stage, Jacob is an affable, intelligent, and genuinely kind young man. Take a moment to get to know more about the wonderfully talented Jacob Waters.

When was your first time on stage?

What a throwback, my first time on stage was back when I was in the sixth grade. We did a play titled: “Attack of the Pom-Pom Zombies,” I played the character named Waldo who got to pop out of hiding every time someone asked “Where’s Waldo?” It was a fun little part but I was hooked into theatre after that show.

When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

I always enjoyed singing/dancing/acting and sharing the stage with my friends, but I think the moment I realized just how important being a performer is to my identity was when I made my first course schedule in college. I originally started college as a nursing major because I knew that I wanted to help people and I was inspired to follow my mom’s footsteps into the medical field. However, when I finished my schedule and realized there was no room for any music classes or even any performing ensembles I felt gutted. Fortunately, I was eventually able to change my major to music education and since then I know no matter what my profession is I will keep finding ways to perform.

Who is your greatest mentor?

It has been a difficult time trying to quantify a “greatest” mentor when I have been lucky enough to have had so many influential ones in my life. I do think it is safe to say my life would look completely different without the presence of Laura Alley, Michelle Levall, and Debra Carter. I learned almost everything I know in the world of musical theatre from them and they are still a huge reason why I continue to perform today. They are like a second family to me and I am so grateful for the opportunities they have provided for me. It also doesn’t hurt that they are so much fun to work for, and I will take any chance to be in one of their shows.

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

The role I have enjoyed the most is easily Melchior Gabor in Lakeside Community Theatre’s production of Spring Awakening. A close second was playing Anthony in Repertory Company Theatre’s production of Sweeney Todd. But Spring Awakening is my all-time favorite musical and LCT’s production gave me the opportunity to do the show with some of the most talented people I have gotten to work with (special shoutout to Katelyn Sarbach as Wendla, Elijah Ponce as Ilse, and Jacob Armstrong as Moritz.) That role and show mean so much to me and I still can’t believe I got to perform it. A four-week run didn’t feel long enough, we could have kept going for months.

Do you have a dream role?

I don’t really have dream roles, I’m mainly just happy to be a part of shows in any role. Some roles that I would love a chance to play  one day are: Miles Tuck in Tuck Everlasting, Marius Pontmercy in Les Mis, Seymour Krelborn in Little Shop of Horrors, and Bobby Strong in Urinetown.

What person(s) would you like to be on stage with? 

Again, there are so many people I could name for this question. The first person that comes to mind is my friend Katelyn Sarbach who is just a powerhouse performer and a juggernaut in any role you put her in. Plus after back-to-back shows of Next to Normal and Spring Awakening together, it would be nice to try a light comedy and give the heavy shows a break lol. I would also jump at the opportunity to do any show with Repertory Company Theatre because I adore the community of actors they have cultivated. Everyone there is so talented and so much fun to work with. 

What performances have you seen that impressed you?

One show that was so much fun to watch was The Drowsy Chaperone at Allen Contemporary Theatre. I had never seen the show before or even heard the music and I had such a good time getting to experience it. Plus it was directed by Eddy Herring who I adore and is one of my favorite people to work with! 

What are your career goals?

Right now I work full-time as a middle school choir director in Plano ISD. I love my job and I get to teach some of the best kids in the world (when they act like it at least.) I am pretty content right now as I get to have a fulfilling job teaching/making music and then the opportunity to perform in my free time. However, if the chance to perform professionally ever arose I definitely would consider it, at least just to experience that life. I may also have more flexibility in terms or future career goals once my best friend finishes medical school and gets a doctor's salary so he can pay for my living expenses too. (I’m just kidding, Marcus…or am I…)

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

My go-to icebreaker is that I have a rabbit named Ted. I have had him for a few years now and he is very cute but he acts like a bad roommate who doesn’t help take care of the house. I love him, but I think he regards me as just an acquaintance who gives him hay, water, and yogurt drops.


Geoff Lutz


Lorenzo Gapud